SEACOM Connect is a network hardware package that enables lifeguards to communicate across towers delivered over a wireless, solar powered network. Keeping the connection between towers, vehicles, and headquarters is an imperative. We understand the importance of this connection which is why we custom design systems for each customer. Every beach and every organization is unique. With end-to-end installation even in the most difficult to reach beaches or towers, we provide instant, reliable communication. You get ruggedized equipment to withstand even the harshest beach conditions.
It only makes sense to harness the power of the sun in a beach environment for obvious reasons. Using solar cells to power equipment saves running wire through sand trenches. It's green energy and saves staff time and resources.
With Artificial Intelligence enhanced camera, tracking beach population, facial recognition, and identifying license plates are all possible. AI cameras are the next step in making your beach a SMART beach.
We deploy marine grade speakers. These waterproof speakers are designed to be durable to withstand exposure to water, humidity, heat, and sand. Speakers are accessed remotely from headquarters for live broadcast. Our system supports zone paging from one tower, or all towers, or any number in between.
Let's Say You're responsible for a long stretch of beach that includes rocky outcroppings, cliffs, and areas known to have poor cellular and radio coverage, SEACOM Connect can overcome even the most difficult challenges in connecting remote areas.
With TEAMSOS and SEACOM’s 24-hour help desk, lifeguards have immediate access to our technical experts to ensure each tower is stable and connected to headquarters at all times.